

We're in our hotel in Florida! We are stayng in st pete's. The flight was…

Long, Busy Day

Today was a pretty long day for me. It started off early this morning. I…

Tests, Assignments, and more tests!

I'm feeling even better than I was before, but still super tired and rundown. This…

Are you proud of me?

Final marks are in...And this is my GPAaaaand my total GPA is above I'm…

ooh, oh-oh, the Sweetest thing!

A huge weight has been lifted from my chest. Exams are over...and I couldn't be…

To Dialyze, or not to dialyze, THAT is the question!

After coming home from work, I studied, ate, and studied some more. I'm pretty comfortable…

I feel yucky

Today was a yucky day. I felt majorly nauseated all day. Luckily I had a…


I came home from a long day at work today. I slumped down onto my…

I Remember.

I remember when I tried to run across the street with my mother, but I…

Another Business Concepts Test

...but I don't think I'm pulling off any 86% marks on this one.I completely blanked…