button hole

Sleepy Time is anytime

I spent the better part of today sleeping, and it was glorious. It's funny how…


Ok, now maybe the title is overly dramatic. It was either DIE-alysis or Dialy-PISSED. But…

Infection Scare and the Dentist

I woke up this morning to get ready for work. I looked at my venous…

Fistula Leakage??

When I went to the hospital on Monday to drop off my bloodwork, I had…

Silly Concentrate Errors!

First of all, I'd like to thank Mr. Peckham for posting updates/summaries of my posts…

My Machine Clotted! :-(

Today definitely wasn't a great dialysis day. I set my machine up as usual and…

Home Hemodialysis – 8 Classes Later

As per my calculations, it's been 2 and a half weeks since I started doing…