Seeing an RMT for Lupus-related Reasons

Last year just before my vacation to Florida on the 9th of December, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to start seeing a physiotherapist again. It’s been over a year, maybe a year and a half, since I’ve done any sort of physio, and I’m definitely paying for it.

I got on the net and did some research. After a bit of research, I found a clinic that is a walk away from my house….well…a long walk for me. Maybe a 5 or 6 minute drive. So I decided to check it out after my vacation.

The clinic looked decent. They have physio, chiro…and massage therapy. I decided that physio and massage therapy would be beneficial for me. I have my first physiotherapy assessment next Friday, but today, I did my first massage therapy session.

My RMT’s name was Julie. She told me that my neck muscles are very tight, and I have some fluid in my back. She told me that the therapy that I’m doing now should be very good for the fluid in my back and also in my neck. My hamstring muscles are very tight as well.

The massage was great. Too bad it only lasted half an hour! I look forward to going again next week…and the week after…..I mostly look forward to seeing some changes!

I wish I could see the RMT more often. My place of work only covers $500 with of RMT per year. That $500 total also includes acupuncture, naturopathic doctors, etc. It simply isn’t enough. I can’t even remember how much my physiotherapy covers…I have to find that out. I’m gonna have to do some internet research to see if I’m able to somehow get additional funds for physio, since it isn’t otherwise covered by OHIP! (Ontario Health Insurance Plan).

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