I Said YES!

Happy Holidays! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season so far.

I definitely have some exciting news. My boyfriend proposed to me on Christmas morning, and I, of course, said yes!

I feel like I’m in a dream. I never knew that I could meet someone who understands me on such a deep level. As I mentioned in a previous post, we’ve lived together for around 8 months, but have been together for nearly 5 years. In that time, Greg has introduced me to so many new things.

He taught me how to love again after I thought it wasn’t possible. He taught me to trust again, even after having been let down so many times. He brings another level of truth to the saying “sometimes you have to experience the bad in order to appreciate the good.”

As I suspected, my dad has all sorts of plans/ideas about how our wedding will go, where it will be, etc. I must say that I am opposed to most of those ideas (ahaha), but wedding planning really isn’t my focus at the moment. My focus is just living and basking in this moment. This fairytale.  

How Did He Propose??

As I mentioned above he proposed on Christmas morning. We woke up early so that we could open our presents to each other, then get ready to head out to my parents’ house. We had a packed day and needed to get going as quickly as possible.

After opening all of our presents, Greg went over to our tree and said “wait…what’s this? Did you put this here?”

It was at that point that I realized what was about to happen…and I started crying uncontrollably! I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face because of the tears, much less the ring in the box. It was perfect and very sweet.

What’s Your Ring Like?

It’s perfect. I always thought that i wanted a square cut ring. But, after having tried on a few round ones in the past, I knew that a round stone was the one for me.

When my tears dried and I was actually able to see the ring, I immediately knew that he had picked out the most perfect ring for me.

What’s Next?

Nothing! LOL. Well, I have to get the ring sized as it is a bit big, but other than that, I’m just going to continue living in this incredible moment <3

On Our Way Out for Dinner 🙂
