Frustration mounts

I can’t even begin to describe how annoyed I am right now.

The year 2013 hasn’t exactly started on a high note for me.  I rang the new year in in bed after having just come home from the hospital. Now, it’s almost March and this stupid C. Diff bug doesn’t seem to be anywhere near done with me. Again, I’m thankful for the feedback I received with regards to this bug’s stubbornness.

I’m going to see the ID doctors tomorrow morning. As I sit here typing, I’m slightly hunched over in pain, with a hot water bottle tucked close to my tummy.  I have been taking this vancocin for the prescribed 2 weeks, 1 pill, 4 times a day. It doesn’t appear to be doing much for this stomach pain. I’m glad to be without the awful taste in my mouth that flagyl gave me, but when I was taking flagyl, I actually felt “better” for the most part.

What makes it worse? I picked up a flu bug a couple of weeks back. For that reason, coupled with intermittent stomach pain, I have missed 2 and a half shifts of work.  I say half because I tried to go to work last week Wednesday…but I could only make it through half of the day.

The flu-like symptoms seem to be subsiding which is good.  But now my stomach is killing me.  I’m almost afraid to eat for fear that it will make it worse.  Last night, I ate some Greek yogurt with blueberries…I was in PAIN.  Maybe i’ll lay off the dairy for a bit while my stomach simmers down.  I just wanted to eat some yogurt as it is supposed to be good to have, especially while you’re on antibiotics.

I’m so uncomfortable right now that I did the unthinkable- I turned my phone off.  Whenever it’s on, I’m always “checking” it. Games, emails, text messages, etc. I turned it off. I don’t want anyone “bugging me” right now.

TMI ALERT: I feel like I could projectile vomit a la The exorcist any minute now.

Ugh…help meeee.
