So busy

I have so many things/appointments going on this month!

I am first of all happy to announce that I wrote what I hope was my final exam before I graduate from college! Woo hoo! Now, I must say that the exam was quite difficult (microeconomics, or economics in general, simply isn’t my subject) so I hope I passed.  I need to achieve at least 60% in the course.  The exam is worth 50% of my mark and the assignments are also worth 50%.  I did quite well on the 5 assignments, achieving 95%, 85%, 93%,  95% and 92%.  So, I went into the exam with a 92%, or 46 out of 50. I actually haven’t “crunched” the numbers until right now. I suppose I would have really needed to mess up badly on that exam to at least not pass with a 60%.  To be honest, until right now, I initially thought that the assignments were worth 40% and the exam worth 60%.  I actually feel a lot better about the fact that the exam and the assignments are weighted equally.

(Assuming I pass, that is…hehe) Right now, I am just happy to be able to say that I have succeeded where this particular matter (college) is concerned.  That is not to say that I may not eventually go back to school (university) to get my degree. I had an appointment with my nephrologist on Thursday and he actually encouraged me to do so.  Blegh! I need a break from school!

Next, I have so many appointments this week.  X-rays, ultrasounds, blood work, oncology, hematology, nephrology (two different ones) exhausting!  But I still hope to find time to continue on with my vlog “mini-series).  The next video is supposed to be about the time I lost my ability to walk/use my arms. That was a terrible time 🙁

Hope to record that soon! I’m happy to have found some time (the last two days) to just lounge around and do nothing, even with all I have to do this month.  I’m glad school was finished already (first week of Jan) so
I didn’t have to worry about that…!
