Where’s my call back, dermatology?

You know that feeling when you just feel….weird? That’s how I feel. I’ve been having some strange pain in my right shoulder, my mouth/throat seems dry all the time, my appetite isn’t as huge as it usually is…just weird stuff.

I’m just hoping and praying that everything will be ok.

It’s been two weeks since my dermatology appointment and the doctor promised me she’d call me back after a week after researching the “strange” white blemishes/spots on my face. Where’s my phone call?

This Saturday is my NKE designation exam! Eeep!!

I’m going to get a hair cut on Tuesday. It’ll be a bit of a pampering for me…just for all the studying i’ve been doing. I’m considering getting a massage that day too! Too bad my work benefits don’t cover hair cuts. Heh.

Ok, going to study for a bit longer, then I’m going to set up my dialysis machine and get ready for bed.

Oh yeah one more thing- i have the comments on my page set up in such a way that I have to approve them before they appear. It’s funny how some spammers try and “sneak” comments on my post in an attempt to advertise on my page. In a previous post when I first mentioned the white spots on my face, some blogger webpage dedicated to “skin whitening” (everything on the page was in asian characters except for the words “skin whitening”) commented on that post and said something like “i like your blog, keep blogging”. Oh, they like my blog! How nice….hmm, interesting that a SKIN WHITEning blog comments on my post about WHITE SKIN spots.

Nice try.

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