There’s nothing better then…

…going to school on test day, getting the test, and thinking the test is easy!

Well, I won’t say EASYY, but I did study very hard. I studied lots. There were a couple of things here and there that I missed, but that is to be expected. Today was my business concept’s test. The test was out of 110 marks. There were some multiple choice, some short answer questions, and two long answer questions.

I’m hoping that I did as well as I think and HOPE I did, but I thankfully studied all of the right things and therefore don’t think I have much to worry about. We’ll see next week just how I did.

I feel like a weight is lifted off of my shoulders. Now, it’s onward to the 3 assignments (1 individual, 2 group) that I have due…all at some point this month. I’ll get working on the Business Concepts assignment.

Just before I dart off, I mention my aching back! Did I mention this??

I was changing my carbon filter…I was unscrewing the holder of the carbon filter and pretty much twisted my back. I hurt my back in the same exact spot a few days earlier when I was trying to pick up that same damned contraption for unscrewing the carbon filter holder as it fell behind the trolly holding my R.O. Anything having to do with that carbon filter is cursed.
