College, here I come?

I’m not happy with my current school right now.

They’re not giving me the program that I want. I’m guessing because I don’t have enough courses with them so I don’t have enough of a transcript or “record” with them to allow them to transfer me. At the same time, it is not my intention to just take sheep courses to build up a good average so that they’ll allow me into the program, as that would be a crazy waste of money.

That being said, on Thursday, (rather spontaneously, I might add), I decided to apply for college. I’m hoping that it won’t be difficult for me to get into college and into the course that I want to take.

The options are out of three 3 year programs. 1 is an HR program at Seneca college, while the other 2 are at George brown college, where 1 is the HR program and the other is the HR program with co-op. Ideally, I think the George Brown program with co-op would be best. My guess is that with me working for the bank, I can easily get a co-op placement in my own building doing HR co-op. I won’t actually need to worry to much about that until co-op time anyways, which isn’t for…well..3 years! But for both of these schools, since I’m starting in January, I’ll essentially be in school with no breaks (i.e. no summer off) for the entire time. I’m prepared to do that, God willing.

I’ve also checked out the disability centres/offices for these colleges online. They both have excellent disability offices that both define kidney disease as one of the disabilities. I’m sure that any other school would too, but it’s just nice to actually see “kidney disease” listed there.

Anyhow, I’m kind of leaning more towards George Brown. It’s located in the downtown area, whereas Seneca is located more North. If I go to George Brown, it puts me in a central location. This means easy access my hospitals for my appointments, easy access to work if I just hop in the subway, and easy access to getting picked up from school.

Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
