Nope, not do not disturb, but it actually stands for “Do Nothing Day!” I love do nothing day!

I’ve had a fun filled week thus far with all of my appointments, so I thought I’d seize the oppourtunity too just chill out…and that’s exactly what I did! 🙂

I caught up on my soaps…well, my soap. I only watch one; The Young and the Restless. I also caught up on all of my Judge shows. Haha!

I took the oppourtunity yesterday to look at my options where school is concerned. I re-registered to start school in January, but my current University didn’t allow me to transfer to the program that I wanted. That being said I decided to apply to colleges offering the program that I wanted to take. If I get accepted into the January session for any of these colleges, then I’ll go there, and perhaps, if I’m not already totally sick of school, go back to university for a year or 2 to get my bachelor. It depends on whether I get a job quickly. If I do, then I’ll work full time and perhaps go to school part time. It all depends. Hopefully everything goes well.

I still hate math/finite, if anyone was wondering 😉

No more (currently) scheduled doctor’s appointments for me in the very near future. The next one will be near the end of October, when I’m scheduled to see the transplant doctor. Geez, I’ve been waiting for 4 years to get a kidney. I want a wonderful and working kidney so I can take off and go on vacation anytime I please without worrying about paying for/planning dialysis!

But, I only want this kidney in God’s time.
